"Nothing Is As Powerful As An Idea Whose Time Has Come."

Mission: To Accelerate Leading-Edge Innovation and Enhanced Global Communications through Advanced Internet Technologies, in Partnership with the International Community.

In an age in which national economies are based on high performance communication of digital information, Internet technologies have been proven to be critically important resources. Recently, these dynamic technologies have given rise to a significant measure of the growth in the national economy. This trend is accelerating, as all major segments of the national economy are being transformed by ever more powerful Internet technology. A number of major federal and state policy initiatives have concluded that developing these technologies is a national and state priority for global competitiveness.

To ensure the continued success of these forces of change and to provide for proper direction, it is necessary to nurture technology research that will provide continual, high-quality, experimentation and innovation across a range of advanced communication technologies. The intellectual foundations of these efforts require continuous renewal. It is also necessary to prototype these new technologies within proof-of-concept and pre-production environments.

In response to this need, the International Center for Advanced Internet Research (iCAIR) has been established to provide a focal point for leading edge Internet research, innovation, and pre-production deployment, including advanced optical networking.


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Advanced Internet Initiatives
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